Grumpii Commercial License

Grumpii Commercial License

  1. Grumpii is offering Commercial License to subscription models from Patreon and Grumpii Tribe from MyMiniFactory.

  2. If you are interested in selling the physical 3D printed art toys then please take a look at how to become an eligible seller.

  3. First, you will have to join the Grump Merchant Tier from my Patreon or join the Grump Seller from MyMiniFactory Tribe.

  4. In order be an eligible seller, you will have to complete the merchant form. If you are from Patreon Grump Merchant Tier, please check your welcome note in the membership tab to fill out the merchant form.

  5. If you are from MyMiniFactory, Grump Seller Tier please head to the Grumpii Tribe >> pinned post >>"Grump Seller Form" and fill out the form to be an eligible seller.

  6. After filling out the form, you now have the right to sell the physical 3D printed models. If you don't fill out your merchant info then you are NOT eligible to be a seller. Please fill out the form.

**Commercial License Rules**

  • You may only sell the physical 3D printed of my designs from Patreon or MyMiniFactory, NOT the STL/Digital files. Digital files are NEVER for sharing or selling.

  • You are not allowed to make mold, casts, or any mass production/reproduction.

  • You are NOT allowed to modify and sell the modified physical prints, but you can modify the design file and print for personal use ONLY (must show the modified design to me and credit it if posted on social media), you are NOT allowed to share or sell the modified files or claim those are yours. For more info, please click on this MODIFICATION.

  • Grumpii holds no licensing on any fan-art designs and will be the seller's responsibility.

  • Please credit Grumpii as an artist and mention my Patreon as the source of the design.

  • The Commercial License is only valid as long as you remain an active patron of Grumpii Patreon or an active triber of Grumpii Tribe. If you decide to cancel the subscription , you have to immediately stop selling my designs.